We put patients at the center of everything we do.
Strengthening Our Leading GI Portfolio
In June 2023, we expanded our pipeline through the acquisition of VectivBio to include apraglutide, an investigational GLP-2 analog being evaluated as a potential once-weekly treatment for patients with Short Bowel Syndrome with intestinal failure (SBS-IF).
SBS-IF is a severe malabsorptive condition requiring ongoing I.V. administration of fluids and nutrients and is associated with significant morbidity and mortality, high economic burden, and an impaired quality of life. A substantial number of SBS-IF patients remain dependent on chronic parenteral support, and there is considerable unmet need in this patient population, which has an estimated addressable population of 18,000 adult patients across the U.S., Europe, and Japan.

Patient Engagement
We believe in bringing diverse patient voices to the forefront of what we do, and we are committed to reducing healthcare inequities. In 2021, we sponsored a workshop with the International Foundation for Gastrointestinal Disorders (IFFGD) focused on improving communication between physicians and patients living with GI disease. We also partnered with the digital platform PatientsLikeMe to bolster support for patient advocacy. Our clinical trials are designed to minimize patient burden and improve access to investigational drugs by all demographics.
SBS Patient Support Resource
We’re thrilled to unveil a first-of-its-kind short bowel syndrome (SBS) patient support resource supported by Ironwood Pharmaceuticals. Authored by members of the SBS community, the resource provides a summary of services and resources offered by various patient groups to help people with SBS navigate their complex journey and connect with those who understand and share their experiences.

Living with SBS (Short Bowel Syndrome)
SBS is a rare, serious condition in which the body cannot properly absorb the vital nutrients and fluids it needs from eating and drinking. It occurs when a large part of the intestine has been removed or isn’t working. Some people with SBS depend on IV nutrition and/or IV hydration – also known as parenteral support – which is important to maintain their health. This video gives a short explanation of SBS, its impact and the need for expert support.
‘Let’s Talk SBS’: A Guide to Discussing Short Bowel Syndrome (SBS) With Your Health Care Provider
You don’t have to face SBS alone! The ‘Let’s Talk SBS’ guide has been designed with SBS patients and medical experts to help you understand your condition, prioritize your goals, and get the most out of every conversation with your health care provider.
- Get answers to common questions
- Help set your personal health goals
- Feel supported
Click here to download the guide.
If you need a new copy of the ‘Let’s Talk SBS’ appointment checklist, click here.

To read further please
view our 2022 report.
Responsible Research
Clinical Research Data Sharing
We meet industry and scientific standards in our clinical trial publication and data sharing practices, and we believe providing access to such data, to the extent permissible under relevant law, strengthens opportunities for further scientific development and collaboration. Clinical trials results, including the results of terminated trials, when required, are reported on clinicaltrials.gov, clinicaltrialsregister.eu, and other regional registries as required by law.
To uphold our commitments to patient privacy in data sharing, we have implemented and maintain a Clinical Trial Data Sharing Policy, which requires that, when appropriate, individual participant data that underlie the results reported in any publication of any Ironwood clinical study will be shared only after deidentification/pseudonymization. For a data sharing request, please send an e-mail to [email protected].
Animal Welfare
We are committed to the ethical use of animals in medical research. All animal studies are carefully reviewed by an Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) which is charged with ensuring that a proposed study is essential. We comply with the “Three Rs” (Replace, Reduce and Refine), widely accepted ethical principles that are embedded in the conduct of animal-based science.
Collaborating Opportunities
As a GI-focused, global healthcare company, we are interested in identifying opportunities to collaborate on GI products. Please contact [email protected] for partnership inquiries. Learn more about grant and sponsorship opportunities.